Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Week 3 recap - A revelation occurs

I had a revelation this past week. My revelation was that I have been going through the routine with less enthusiasm than I used to, and I am really disappointed about that. I realized this during a phone conversation with my sister in law. She is training for her first half marathon on March 1st (side note, it is the Hooters to Hooters half. its in Ft Myers where it is warm. it starts at one Hooters and runs to another. talk about your perfect half). Anywho, when I was talking to her she was telling me this story about how she was flying home from her sisters house, where she had been helping her with her newborn baby, and the plane had been delayed and she was bummed because she needed to get a five mile run in and the delay looked like it would make that impossible. When she finally got home at 9:30pm she just said screw it, put on her shoes and knocked out the five miler. I got to tell you she was pumped with that she should have been. I tried to remember the last time I heard the excitement in my voice, or felt that kind of excitement, like I was hearing from her and I can't remember for sure...but I think its been awhile.

So what am I going to do. Well I considered just quiting everything and maybe taking up smoking but at $4 a pack I am just to cheap for that. So I have set a goal for myself to find that place where I was when I first started all this craziness. The place where great runs got me excited, where all day Wednesday I daydreamed about how great the ride was going to be that night, where I smiled as I got a wif of chlorine mid morning and I knew I was the only person in the room that had knocked off a couple thousand yards in the pool at 6am. It's a great place and I don't think I am that far off from it, I just forgot for a minute why I do what I do.

6 weeks to Ragnar Relays

Bike - 3 X 1hour indoor
0 miles outside

Run - 25 miles - 21.5 on a treadmill due to!!

xcountry ski - 2.5 hrs total - 2 outings

swim - 0 yds - this must change soon

See you in my happy place.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Mnowac said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog, that makes me feel better! There was a girl in my spin class who was there right up to the end once as well. Good luck getting your mojo back with training!